Monday, August 13, 2007

Pop Concert Outfit 101: Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake is my guilty pleasure. I love, love, love him. Well, maybe not Justin, the tangible person, but definitely his music. This is coming from the girl whose favorite band was the Beatles in the fifth grade. While my fellow classmates sported NKOTB paraphernalia I proudly wore my Beatles t-shirt.

He came to NYC last February and I was beyond disappointed that I did not get to see the show. Much to my excitement he is coming back to NYC this week and I have tickets! My sister and I are planning to dress as close to teeny bopper as decently possible for a couple of 20-somethings. We can get pretty crazy when left to our own devices so this should be very interesting. I will definitely give an update on Friday.

For those of you who might be attending a pop concert and want to look cute but not too childish then I have the perfect outfit for you

You can purchase the outfit here for $34.99.

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